Low data variability

Our core ECG laboratory provides a centralised system for all our studies. High precision ECG acquisition in our clinic provides meaningful ECG analysis with a smaller sample size, making us the ideal choice for the integration of cardiac safety in FIH and MAD studies.

We are a leading publisher in cardiology and have publicly accessible credentials. We are proud of our integrity, our professional growth and experience in this field.

Learn more about our ECG Lab

Exceptional ECG generation

We undertake and analyse several cardiological assessments using state-of-the-art equipment to understand and explain abnormal ECG data obtained during a clinical study of a new chemical entity.

Learn more about our Cardio Analysis Services

Experts in cardiac safety

Richmond Pharmacology’s Core ECG Laboratory team are based within St George’s Hospital Medical School, London and are made up of highly experienced cardiologists headed by Professor John Camm, a key opinion leader in TQT Trials.

Learn more about our expert cardiologists

Richmond Pharmacology supports ReViral with the development of Sisunatovir

September 2020

ReViral has confirmed the FDA has granted Fast Track designation to Sisunatovir.

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Richmond Pharmacology helps UK patients gain early access to ultra-rare disease drug Lumasiran

August 2020

Richmond Pharmacology early phase drug development update.

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Dr Jorg Taubel, CEO of Richmond Pharmacology, features on the PM Live website, discussing clincial trials and COVID-19

August 2020

Dr Jorg Taubel discusses some of the steps taken at Richmond Pharmacology to ensure clinical trials can continue to operate at a high standard throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

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COVID-19 – External Monitoring Guidelines

July 2020

Richmond Pharmacology is constantly assessing health and safety risks posed by COVID-19 and is regularly reviewing Public Health England guidance.

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Statement: COVID-19

March 2020

Richmond Pharmacology are continuously risk-assessing our activity in relation to the COVID-19 crisis and we are evaluating what activity can continue, what precautions need to be put in place and what needs to be suspended.

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First transdermal patch to treat schizophrenia hits market

March 2020

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has officially approved a transdermal patch to treat schizophrenia developed by Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co following successful

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