Our core ECG laboratory provides a centralised system for all our studies. High precision ECG acquisition in our clinic provides meaningful ECG analysis with a smaller sample size, making us the ideal choice for the integration of cardiac safety in FIH and MAD studies.
We are a leading publisher in cardiology and have publicly accessible credentials. We are proud of our integrity, our professional growth and experience in this field.
We undertake and analyse several cardiological assessments using state-of-the-art equipment to understand and explain abnormal ECG data obtained during a clinical study of a new chemical entity.
Learn more about our Cardio Analysis Services
Richmond Pharmacology’s Core ECG Laboratory team are based within St George’s Hospital Medical School, London and are made up of highly experienced cardiologists headed by Professor John Camm, a key opinion leader in TQT Trials.
Learn more about our expert cardiologists
Richmond Pharmacology have developed a resourceful way to use study equipment to help reduce waste produced on site and support clinical facilities in under developed nations.
As the 2019 year comes to an end, we would like to recognize the substantial charitable contributions made by the Richmond Pharmacology team; including our staff, academic
In line with our on-going commitment to providing quality training and promoting the highest safety standard, Richmond Pharmacology are pleased to announce that our ILS
Richmond Pharmacology CEO, Dr Jorg Taubel, Franklin Gordon, Resuscitation Simulation & Clinical Skills Practitioner and Dr Simon Coates, Research Physician respectively, all began in-house training...
Significant work has been undertaken to push forward the launch of a new apprentice scheme aimed at raising the profile of this high-level occupation.
Richmond Pharmacology’s Research Director Dr Radivoj Arezina has written a piece for the July edition of GMP Review ‘ The application of GMP and its role in maximising the