As the 2019 year comes to an end, we would like to recognize the substantial charitable contributions made by the Richmond Pharmacology team; including our staff, academic partners, collaborators and volunteers.Various initiatives have been undertaken including homeless sleep outs, bake sales, marathon events and Christmas Jumper day; all to raise money for those less fortunate than ourselves.
We would like to personally thank two very special volunteers, who decided to donate the payment they received from their study participants to the British Heart Foundation.At Richmond Pharmacology, our ethos is to improve the standard of living for millions of people through our research.
It is through generous donations, initiatives, and partnerships like these, that we are able to achieve our mission.

Notable donations throughout the year have been made to the following Charities
- Robes
- British Heart Foundation
- British Lung Foundation
- Diabetes UK
- Practical Action
- Great Ormond Street
Looking to next year, 2020 promises to be another exciting year for Richmond Pharmacology and we look forward to continuing our charitable endeavors.Read letter of thanks from Robes