Adam Walker, Head of Richmond's Data Management service completed the 2006 London Marathon in 4 hours and 24 minutes - his best time in 3 years.Richmond Pharmacology Ltd sponsored Adam £500 to complete the run and in total he has raised £3,000 for Bliss, the premature baby charity.Training for this year's run started in December 2005, although he did have his setbacks."In February I was admitted to hospital and was put on a drip for 2 days with a mystery illness this happened just 6 weeks before the marathon. Fortunately I made a rapid recovery and was able to resume training."Next year he aims to complete the course in under 4 hours!"By mile 20 I had a massive burst of energy and pushed on for the last 6 miles - sprinting to the finishing line!"The charity Bliss is dedicated to caring for premature babies: "This is the third consecutive year I have run to support Bliss and over the 3 years I have raised more than £10,000 for the charity. My daughter Amelie Grace was born 6 weeks prematurely and was in intensive care at the Sussex County Hospital, Brighton for 4 weeks. I am very grateful that Amelie was able to make a full recovery. I will continue to raise money for Bliss to help other families who find themselves in the same position"To find out more about Bliss visit: sponsor Adam, visit: