Date: Tuesday 29th NovemberTime: 10:00 to 13:00 (doors open at 09:40)Where: Tokyo, JapanTranslation: Simultaneous translation will be provided
Learn how scientific advice from the MHRA (The Medicines and Healthcare Product Regulatory Agency) will benefit your pre-clinical and clinical development plans and how you can lever the advantages of the UK’s excellent trial environment for your global and US- IND strategies.Understand how patient trials can be rapidly deployed across Europe with short approval and completion timelines.Follow the link to register for this free event –we look forward to seeing you! Please register 48 hours before the event to allow for security checks.You are welcome to forward this email to colleagues who may be interested in attending.
Workshop Program
10h00 - 10h05: Opening remarks Esther WilliamsThe British Embassy10h05 - 10h25: Running an entire Phase I protocol: FTIM to POC Dr Ulrik LorchRichmond Pharmacology10h25 - 10h45: Adding value to Phase I proposals:Integration of ethnic (Japanese) data in FTIM studies and cardiac safety assessments after the amendments to ICH E14 guidelines. Dr Jorg TaubelRichmond Pharmacology10h45 - 11h05: Opportunities and regulatory context for Proof of Concept trials in the UK and Europe. Dr Martin O'KaneThe Medicines and Healthcare Product Regulatory Agency (MHRA)11h05 - 11h25: TBC Dr Yukihisa NamikiDepartment for International Trade (DIT)11h25 - 11h45: The benefits of using dedicated early phase sites to optimise POC patient trials Prof. Dr. Frank-Dietrich WagnerCharite Research Organisation GmbH11h45-12h05: Patient Feasibility Studies; their contribution to cost and timeline efficient clinical trial conduct in Phase I to POC patient trials Keith BerelowitzRichmond Pharmacology12h05-12h25: Open discussion, Q&A and close All12h25-13h35 Buffet & Reception
Workshop speaker panel:
Dr Ulrike Lorch MD FRCA FFPM Richmond PharmacologyUlrike trained as an anaesthetist at St. George’s Hospital in London. She is a co-founder and Medical Director of Richmond Pharmacology. Ulrike has more than 15 years’ experience in conducting early phase clinical research as principal investigator and has special expertise in innovative adaptive study designs. Ulrike is an appraiser for physicians revalidating with the UK's General Medical Council. She is a member of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine’s Board of Examiners and an Educational Supervisor for specialist trainees in Pharmaceutical Medicine.
Ulrike is a stakeholder representative on the UK’s National Research Ethics Service Phase 1 Advisory Group, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency’s Clinical Trials Stakeholder Reference Group and the European Medicines Agency’s European Union clinical trials portal and Union database stakeholder group. These stakeholder groups discuss, amongst others, the implementation of the new EU Clinical Trial Regulation.Dr Martin O'Kane MRPharmS Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)Dr Martin O'Kane is Head of the Clinical Trials Unit at the MHRA. He is a pharmacist by training with a PhD in neuropharmacology and post-doctorate research experience in neuroscience. Following a period in Japan working within the pharmaceutical industry, he joined the MHRA working for the British Pharmacopoeia and was a member of the European Pharmacopoeia Commission’s Working Party on Cell Therapy Products.
He moved to the Clinical Trials Unit as a Pharmaceutical Assessor in 2007 and has been involved in the assessment of chemical, biological and advanced therapy applications for all phases of study. He became Head of the Unit in 2015 and is currently involved in European Medicine Agency and UK projects to prepare for implementation of the new clinical trials Regulations.Dr Jörg Täubel MD FFPM Richmond Pharmacology Dr Jörg Täubel is a medical practitioner and CEO of Richmond Pharmacology a commercial clinical trials unit based at St George's University in London which he co-founded in 2001. He has trained in clinical pharmacology and been Principal Investigator since 1995 conducting studies in patients and healthy volunteers ranging from first time in man (FTIM) to later phase studies particularly in cardiology, neurology, and gastroenterology. He provides expert advice in cardiac safety assessments and ethnic comparison studies.
Dr Täubel is an honorary fellow at St George's University and author of over 75 posters and publications in scientific journals. His academic research is focussed on the role of hyperglycaemia in relation to sudden cardiac death in Type I diabetic patients.Keith Berelowitz PhD Richmond PharmacologyA scientist by training, Keith has worked in clinical research (academic and commercial) for over 16 years, having spent the majority of that period working for Richmond Pharmacology. In his role as Director of Operations at Richmond Pharmacology he is focused on the efficient conduct of all functions within the company whilst ensuring maintenance of quality standards.
Having played an operational role in over 150 studies, across the commercial, project and recruitment related management of these studies, his specialist area of interest has focused on the assessment and understanding of the feasibility of conducting early phase patient trials in a phase I environment. Keith has worked with a number of sponsors advising them on the viability of conducting such trials within the UK, a number of which have gone on to be conducted successfully with Richmond Pharmacology. He is a member of the National Research Ethics Service Phase 1 Advisory Group (Health Research Authority, UK), the Association for Human Pharmacology in the Pharmaceutical Industry (AHPPI, UK), Chairperson of the EUCROF Early Phase Working Group, and a UK based representative on the EUCROF Extended Executive Board.Prof. Dr. med. Frank Wagner Charité Research OrganisationBoard certified in both clinical pharmacology and internal medicine, Dr. Wagner is author of more than 40 peer reviewed publications and over 100 published abstracts. Dr. Wagner has previously served as the head of intensive care medicine at the The Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin (DHZB, German Heart Institute Berlin). He is a faculty member of Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and founded Charité Research Organisation in conjunction with the university hospital to provide a platform for bringing patients, clinical expertise and diagnostic technologies into the exploratory clinical development setting.Dr Yukihisa Namiki Department for International Trade (DIT)TBC